Oneweb - the finest Free responsive template framework for Joomla, ever. Lightweight, fast and unbelievably flexible. The Joomla professional's choice!
Media queries add to the design of larger, smarter devices ensuring the needs of mobile devices are always met.
Bloat free
Lean markup, efficient CSS and highly optimised overrides make Oneweb the fastest, lightest Joomla framework on the block.
Even with Javascript disabled users still get a fully responsive experience! Mobile-friendly, accessible, robust.
Semantic markup
html5 elements add the semantic value that search engines love, while semantic class names add meaning for humans.
Vertical rhythm
A scalable, responsive baseline grid ensures consistency in typography and layout, even with user-initiated resizes.
Clean markup
Layout and style can be applied entirely in CSS, leaving your markup framework agnostic and 100% awesome.