Leo Restro Joomla Template Joomla! Responsive Template For Portfolio site, showcase site, blog site
Compatible: Joomla 1.7, Joomla 2.5
Joomla Free Templates
Leo Restro is a Responsive Template for Joomla, adapting to the Resolution size of smartphone such as Iphone, Android and Other moble devices, Table-less. This is an interesting theme ideas for showcase, porfolios, blog site.
It comes with 3 amazing themes color, clean styles and support customize changing background, text-color, font-size..etc via the template configuration. And More supports themes for k2 component, is built using our powerful template Framework called Leo Framework - giving you the ultimate flexibility and speed
Template features
- Template based on Leo Framework
- 3 Color Themes support (blue, red, green, violet)
- Supports multiple layout options, configured within seconds from backend.
- Template support for MooTools 1.2
- Multiples modules suffix's build-in template for module styling.
- Compressed JS, CSS engine option via using Leo Framework Features
- Support for native language file translation.
- Impressive built-in content style.
- Supports multiple layout options, configured within from backend.
- Lightweight, modern and very fast-loading design.
- W3C XHTML 1.0 Transitional. W3C CSS Valid.
- Fully compatible IE7+, Firefox 2+, Firefox 3, Flock 0.7+, Netscape, Safari, Opera 9.5, Chrome.
This Package packed All Modules, Templates, Userguide, DataSameple. By using this package, you will get site having same as the demo did
All our templates are delivered with source Adobe .PSD files.
You can get All of Template, Modules, Plugins... which we uses for the demo.